Hope Kids


Sundays @ 10:30AM | Freedom Night: Tuesdays @ 6:30pm | Wednesdays @ 6:30PM

Our Special Needs Ministry

Children with special needs are precious in the sight of God, and their families face life with more courage than the world’s greatest armies. Our call as a church is to come alongside these families and offer the help they need to live active and balanced lives.

Anyone who has a child(ren) with special needs will tell you it is a 24/7 effort. These parents often operate on little sleep and shoe-string budgets. It is our goal to provide loving and expert assistance to these children and their families that will allow for time away from the pressures of life.

Even one night a week, or a Sunday, to focus on God and refresh, can have an enormous positive effect on the family unit.

Christ First Church desires to reach out to these families in love and the name of Christ to help where we can.

Directors: Rev. Mike and Lorie Lowery

Assistant Director: Spring Fricks